Disposable Temporary E-Mail Addresses

Ever find yourself being asked to create an account at a website that has information you would like, but, you are worried they will spam you or give your e-mail address to some sort of list?

GuerrillaMail.com is a great site that will give you a temporary e-mail address that can be erased at any time. GuerrillaMail has an easy to use interface and a decent list of ending addresses. Currently they hold incoming e-mails for 1 hour and then they are removed. The servers are run using Nginx, MySQL, and Guerrilla SMTPd. You can get their Guerrilla SMTPd as an open-source project on GitHub.

Inbox ID:
The Inbox ID is your unique user for this account. You will not enter this address on the sign-up forms. There is no password security. Anyone with this address has the ability to view the e-mails received using this account.


Scrambled Address:
This address links to your main account, but, is scrambled ensuring someone else is not able to gain access to your account. This is the e-mail you submit to sign-up forms.

If you are looking to use GuerrillaMail for illegal activities or for anonymity you might be disappointed to know that the originating IP address of the e-mail is included in the header sent out with each e-mail. This service is not intended to provide anonymity. It is primarily used for protection from spam.


Guerrilla Mail gives you a disposable email address. There is no need to register, simply visit Guerrilla Mail and a random address will be given. You can also choose your own address.

About Brian Aldridge

I am a software developer and podcaster. Catch me weekly on Infection - The Survival Podcast at https://infectionpodcast.com

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